Maths and Science – Subjects to be Learned with Fun

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Maths and Science – Subjects to be Learned with Fun

There are some subjects in our school which sound like a very good thought, but how often do we even associate learning with pleasure? Especially when it comes to certain stringent subjects, those two words sound like the opposite ends of a rope!

Learning is all fun and games up to Primary School, the real challenge arises when alphabets find their way with numbers, and numbers are needed to make sense of alphabets. Here is when teachers find students staring into space often. 

Why are Maths and Science important to understand?

It is imperative for students to establish a foundation in Maths and Science at a young age. There are numerous reasons why these subjects are meant to be understood well at least, if not mastered by every learner. Science learning applies to everyday life and gives a deep understanding of some how’s and whys of the things that surround us. The study of Mathematics builds problem-solving skills, it trains our brain to look for solutions in a logical method. 

 Here are a few ways by which Mathematics and Science can be made fun and creative for the learners –

1. Associating meaning to the concepts
It is important to understand why a certain thing happens the way it does. Children like to know meanings, what follows what, and why. Breaking down steps and providing logical reasoning aids in understanding which makes it much easier than rote learning. 

2. Teach mathematics as puzzles or challenges
Children like challenges and puzzles. Teaching them a subject like a piece of the puzzle which falls into place step by step is a great approach to take to pique interest.  

3. Use technology 
Textbooks and whiteboards do not always work. Making use of interactive content like videos, graphics, etc provides visual and auditory cues that do wonders for retention.

4. Getting as creative as possible
Learning is not restricted to lessons and quizzes; it could go way beyond textbooks and worksheets. Thinking outside the box, using of models, creative media, a field trips to show rather than just giving them theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge is also required to a student. 

5. Making tests and projects interesting 
Students enjoy Assigning fun projects to do, new methods to conducts tests rather than just solving papers make learning multiple times more appealing.

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