Online Education System

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Online Education System

The Covid- 19 pandemic has sparked a global realization that our life does not remain the same. It has broken our perception of what is normal and reconstructed society in many ways. One such critical area, where the change was evident, is education. 

The entire education system was reshaped this year. The new education system added a competitive edge to the e-learning sector. For Teachers:  it meant shifting the teaching process, conducting online assessments on a trial-and-error basis, creating content suitable for learning using technology and other tools. Whereas for students: it is all about studying through video calls, PowerPoint presentations, E-books, submitting assignments, and having live exams. It is considered much easier than the traditional way for both as it provides comfort and the freedom to study/teach from anywhere… Another positive effect of online education is students have become more tech-savvy. They got to know more about various apps and programs. 

Online learning allows people to learn at their own pace, without inhibitions, and without compromising on their other responsibilities. Unlike in-person education methods, online education tends to be more affordable. Apart from academic learning, there is so much of technological learning happening in students during the lockdown. Their knowledge about computers, smartphone/mobile phone, radio, and television are getting enhanced. Therefore, online learning has not only given us a chance to rethink the education sector, but also the opportunity to visualize how things can evolve in our changing world.

However, transitioning to an ‘online mode’ had its share of challenges. Using the internet for entertainment is common, but online lessons are a big challenge. Some of them are limited access to the Internet, lack of power supply, increase in screen-time, teachers not well- versed with the technology, and many more. Also, colleges/schools do much more than just deliver content and teach. The teachers’ ability to engage with the students in debate and discussion, to mentor and coach or to inspire and motivate, is difficult to replicate in the online format. What is also difficult is peer learning, participation in extracurricular activities and sports, experiential learning, development of emotional quotient, and building a leadership quality Online education opens a lot of possibilities for students and teachers alike. Good vision, sincere efforts, and time will show India the way ahead as we are now entering a new era — the revolution of online education.

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