Month: May 2021

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Online Education System

The Covid- 19 pandemic has sparked a global realization that our life does not remain the same. It has broken our perception of what is normal and reconstructed society in many ways. One such critical area, where the change was evident, is education.  The entire education system was reshaped this year. The new education system

How We Help Students Become Independent?

Work gets done much quicker when adults do it, that is a fact. It is much easier to hand out printed notes, for instance, than dictate each word to students in the class, which could be aggravating and a test of patience. But encouraging students to do their own work from a very young age

Teaching Out of the Box

(Use of creativity by teachers to connect with students) Creativity does not stem from discipline, order, and following what we know works. It arises from challenges, situations that bend your mind, and questions. A lot of questions.  Leonardo Da Vinci kept a notebook in which he wrote hundreds of questions a day, scribbled all his

Maths and Science – Subjects to be Learned with Fun

There are some subjects in our school which sound like a very good thought, but how often do we even associate learning with pleasure? Especially when it comes to certain stringent subjects, those two words sound like the opposite ends of a rope! Learning is all fun and games up to Primary School, the real

Top 10 benefits of choosing CBSE Schools

Have you ever considered CBSE schools as an option to enroll your kid? We often think that the CBSE board will be tough for our kids. How he/she will manage it? However, this board is not only student-friendly but has inculcated fun and interesting activities that will make them an enriching individual. Will also help

Let’s become friendly with a foreign language

Have you ever thought of learning something new? So why not a foreign language. Many people are thinking about the same but most of them either lack motivation or time. Learning a new language may have various reasons:  1) moving to a different country  2) just to pass exams 3) for professional reason  4) or

Read a day – Library facility

Once upon a time, people read books. They did not just watch stories being told, the imagined them and became a part of them.  Nowadays, children and adults alike just prefer to switch on their devices or Television screens and make it a life.  A single book provides more overall information, and overall benefit than

Life base starts from Primary education

It is righteously quoted that “A building is only as tall as the foundation is strong enough to build on.” And the foundation of any person is laid during his/her initial years of life when he/she starts learning the essentials of being a human being. Education has been the food of humans because without it

Gurukul System of education

History of India has a very rich tradition of learning and education since ancient times. The Gurukul system is one of the famous educational system. Which was practised in India since ancient times. let us find out more about it. What is Gurukul System? Gurukul System of education has been one of the sacred practice

Changing nature of CBSE schools

Time and again in this era of changing and transitioning the world it becomes necessary to incorporate educational institutions with the solutions to fulfill the needs of transformation. One among such actively participating education boards of India is the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). CBSE or the Central Board of Secondary Education in the